
Looking at some old photos on my computer, I noticed some that I never got to put up on the blog. Combining the events again, so first one was Jessica and I's first valentines day as a married couple! We just walked around D.C. and went sight seeing and of course had some Daikaya on that cold ass day. Since there was a long wait for ramen we ended up hitting up Bar Deco for some drinks and bomb poutine fries!

Philly time!

The second event was a trip with one of our favorite couples, Victor and Theresa. We went to Philly to catch a Chinese Lantern Festival. The lanterns itself were pretty sweet, just wish it didn't rain that day so we could have experienced it better. The rest of the trip was all about eating and we introduced Theresa to some Philly DUMPLINGS. Thinking about it now, I definitely want to go back soon and get some, who wants to go?  


A6300 Test Shots


Doughnuts, 1st Bdays, and Japanese Food