The Story of Huynh Hien
This has got to be one of the wildest situation I have ever been apart of, and let me tell you, I got played. Well it all starts with getting off work, and heading to Wholes Foods to grab some food before going to the gym. As I finish my food, eating by myself a 40-50 year old Vietnamese dude comes up to me and asks if I'm Vietnamese. I tell him no, and he sits down and tells me this crazy situation about how his car as broken down in the middle of 66 and he ended up around this shopping center. He was talking really fast and really heavy accent so I couldn't make out what he was really saying.He tells me he is a mechanic in falls church for the Sunoco in Loehmans plaza, and he is looking for a ride to Fair Oaks because there is a bus stop there, and he doesn't know where it is. I really did not want to give him a ride but I felt real bad, and he looked like he was stranded and man he wouldnt leave me alone. Im not going to lie it there was so many scary things that ran through my mind, and these stories of people with knives.I finally give him a ride and we get into my car and he tells me if ever I need any car things to come to him and he'll help me out and starts writing out some things in this notepad that he has, and he tells me he is taking the bus so he can get home to maryland and all these other things but i couldnt really understand him. I was actually kinda feeling weird about this and just wanted him out of my car so i can get on with this weird ass day. Finally get to the bus stop and he tells me he is ashamed and scared to ask but he doesnt have money for the bus. I didnt have any money and I didnt want to give him any so I said i dont have cash and all I could give him was the a few coins in my car, he says no and walks out of the car. Here is the card he gave me:I still thought it was weird, so before I go to the gym, I Tweet about it, and how weird it is, As soon as I get out of the gym I see Tommy tweeted me, so I tweet him back. This was seriously out of the movie or something but here goes the conversation we had.
CRAZY RIGHT?!?!? LIKE WTHELL IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?!?! Maannnn this was wild, and if you are wondering, here is the photo that Tommy sent to me:
Everyone in NOVA, do not give this dude a ride, watch outtttttt. Im glad that I'm just safe and I hope I don't ever see him again. Freaking wild dude. I am NEVER EVER EVER no matter the situation, am giving a ride to a stranger. Glad I'm just safe. YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS!!! I posted my blog about this situation on my facebook and YOU would not believe the responses and how many people he got!!!!!! THIS IS WILDD!!!! HERE ARE THE PRINT SCREENS!!!!