Spend money on experiences over material things
The title says it all, you will be more happy they say, and I agree. Jessica and I are very fortunate to be able to have good jobs and we still live with our parents! haha as much as that sounds bad to still live at home with my parents, we are in the process of saving our moving to move out in the future, we are a Cash all kind of couple so that means paying for all our furniture and appliances all at ones with Zero Debt! With that said we also have money to do the things we want to do and yes I still buy materialistic things but I definitely have toned it down to make room for activities. Here's a list of concerts, events, and festivals we have planned coming up!On saturday we watch Jo koy, and mann he was amazing! stay tuned for and update from that show, I cant wait to see him next time he's back to DC.We entered a Scavenger hunt with Cheryl and Richard, YES a Scavenger hunt! I'm definitely ready for this and cant wait, its called the DC Challenge, where you run around DC in a huge Scavenger hunt. People/Teams usually wear Crazy costumes and overall just have fun. Theres prizes that they give out to the top finishers and best costumes, and a festival afterwards. OOH WEE! Check it out:
Next up is going to be Taste of Arlington in Ballston, a festival filled with FOOD, FOOD, music, alcohol, and random other things.
Been waiting to see this man in concert and we finally get to see him this summer!! BRRUUUNOOO MARSSSS!!! Jess and I are going with my cousins and some friends, can not wait!!
And that same weekend we will try to go to the Nova Brewfest! BEER TASTING!!! LETS GOOOOOO
Since Jess and I loved Pitch perfect so much, I found out that a Famous acapella group is coming to Nova and performing at Wolf Trap. Going with set up a picnic and and drink the night away while listening to Straight No Chaser! Here two of their videoshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi6mXT8C2fohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYdZvQBl6skAnd to end our summer we will be going to watch JT and Jay Z concert with Tuna, Myah, and some other friends. We will also be crossing out of our first one in our bucket list!!! very exciting for this
I definitely want to add more trips/events/festivals if i can this summer. very excited for everything to come and feeling very fortunate that I have the opportunity to be able to do/afford these things..