Mothers Day and Wiz Playoffs!
Appreciate the family that I have and very grateful that I have some beautiful/amazing moms in my life! First my mother that has been bustin' her butt since day one, took care of me, and gave me the things she could, even with the limited money she had. Her and my dad saved everything for me and my siblings to go to college. I never understood why we never went on vacations or had fancy things, but now I understand. They sacrificed a lot and never gave bought us much so they can better prepare for our future. Instead of buying me the fancy clothes or things, her and my dad paid for my college in Full. I love them for that and I would not be where I am if they didn't give me the "If you finish college in 4 years we will pay for it all" I did and thank you Mom and Dad! Also another shout out to two other mothers out there! My sister is a great mother of two and she has always had my back. Whenever I need something or some advice, she and my other sister are my goto. Last but not least is Jessica's Mom, she is definitely a great woman. A little crazy at times but what mother isn't, I am grateful for everything she has done and given us. It feels wonderful to have two great families to fall back on. I thank you all mothers out there, it is not easy! (Thank you to Cheryl too she is another mother that has been there for Jessica and I)Here are the two separate mothers day lunch and dinner. First Dim Sum at Fortune my family second home made hot pot with Jessica's fam. We were lucky enough to get free Suite tickets from Curtis for the Wizards and Indiana playoff game. It was a great time even though the Wizards couldn't score shizz and lost. Drank a little too much hahaha but what can you do, ITS PLAYOFFS!Hahaha got Pete and Jessica grubbin!CHAOS! on the way to the game after Bar LouieMy eyes are missing from the picture hahaha .