Last year we got the pleasure to bring in 2013 at my cousin Mae's house and this year we were invited again to bring in 2014!! Shoutout to Mae and Kenneth for hosting awesome themed parties. This time around was a super hero party, we were kinda ill prepared so I just came as JIMMY GRAHAMS and Jess put on her Batman shirt. Enjoy the pictures cause it was definitely a great party.There are plenty more pictures if you want to see the rest of the album you can hollaa here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lasunga/sets/72157642072181444/I definitely need to take more pictures but was just having too much fun, going to start to do some more manual shooting in the future so stay tuned and hopefully the picture quality will go up..


Melo's Baptism and John's Bday


Surprise engagement dinner!