7 year anniversary - October 25th!

For our 7th year anniversary Jessica and I tried Bonaroti, a nice Italian restaurant that had one of THE BEST "authentic" spaghetti I have ever had. It's Chris Cooley's go to restaurant and they even call the spaghetti the Chris Cooley Special haha. Overall it was a great meal and it was a nice little one on one dinner with Jessica and I. The first few years of our relationship was definitely rocky and had its waayyy ups and downs but the last few years have been great. We got through a lot, and learned a lot. Even was able to get through me going to VCU and her being in Nova. I am very happy and very lucky guy to have her and this relationship.The restaurant had very weird lighting so I could not adjust the camera to take better pictures of the food. Very frustrating having bright pictures and dark pictures. The next day we got to see Emma's costume parade at her day care, so here are some pictures of the princess: .


Ray Gunz Halloween Birthday
