JT/JZ and Moreeee
Jessica and I went to the JT/JZ concert at the M&T bank, this was probably the worst commute to a concert we have ever experience, it was so bad and so sluggish. The drive really wore us out, but we sucked it up and got to see Justin Timberlake and Jay-z. Let me tell you though, JT can sing but he does prolong his jams too much sometimes but cot damn he can sing. Jay-Z got everyone hyped, they definitely performed really great together.Looking like a mess after the 4 hour car ride, yelling/singing, and being rained on:
This year I am fully booked on fantasy football, I signed myself up for 4 leagues haha I hope I win one of them! First draft was last Saturday with Jessica's family. 2 new teams this year and which only means less people to draft for my team. I'm scared about my team since I have no RBs, I went with an all hands team.
I am team Shao GeGe... I am scared about my team, haha no RBs but great Receiving core. I definitely should have done some Mock drafts, but I know what to do for the next 3 leagues I'm in.
Also that the next day we had a lunch celebration for Emma's 2nd bday, Had DUCKKK, Was too excited and hungry so I forgot to take pictures of our meal. It was delicious thoughhhh