AC - Weekend Recap!

This past weekend I went with the GF, Family, and Friends to Atlantic City!! whoooooooooo GO BIG OR GO HOME! It was Jessica and I's first time going to AC and actually gambling. And boyyyyyyy did we gamble. I also went to VCU for day trip to go and play in the Coed bball tournament. It was fun and great to see everyone again, Ended up getting all the way to the championship and losing by 3. Ahh story of my life!!!!20130215_201353 20130215_201435But enough with Blurry basketball pics, lets get it started with AC TIME!!! We went for Teresa's Bday and celebrate Valentines Day. We stayed at the Trump Taj Mahal.Here is a golden brick from Earl of Sandwich, and I gotta say, THIS WAS BOMB.20130216_122727 20130216_142749 20130216_202607Got settled in and got to drinking! Well not me, since I gave it up for lent, I just stood by and watch all of them go hard. I wish I could!!! Here's the crew:20130216_201221 IMG_20130216_20180720130216_201426I was designated Camera guy since I could not drink, IT HURT!20130216_224359 And here we have the Bday girl, after she took this shot and one more drink she literally was drunk withing 15 minutes, and an hour later she was passed out upstairs hahaha.20130216_224515 Overall it was a fun and great experience, ended up losing 200 first night but winning 120 the next day, so not bad! Jessica ended up winning $200! and everyone else lost which was a major blower but now I know, 100 ON RED!!!.


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