Movie Monday
Jessica and I are big movie people. And thank god for redbox because that what we mostly do most of our weekends. Eat and watch movies is our thing, recently we loved the movie Pitch Perfect. I really thought this was going to be some stupid stupid Glee spinoff, but it wasn't. It was funny, good music, and had crazy characters. Overall it was a movie that we will actually buy. And in a world where most people redbox/netflix/download, buying the actual DVD means its a good thing! And I ended up buying the Soundtrack, cause the songs got stuck in our heads haha. But don't think of this as an all out great/best movie, its just a good entertaining one that surprised us. We also rented Here Comes the Boom, it was alright, it had its funny moments. The thing that did get us was that Kevin James wasnt really the funny one, it was Bas Rutten was the funnier one in this movie. haha Check it out if you are a fan of Kevin James and a little bit of UFC. You get to see some UFC stars like mayhem and Chael sonnen